
Caught #smJEp9Hl
Caught #rxrXUoNX


AveryBoredman Caught doesn't mean something you saved. It means someone gets caught doing something
Avenge_porn @AveryBoredman if you go on chatpic you will see people 'risking' personal videos for a short time. When someone one downloads it, it means they were caught in time, and can possibly be reposted elsewhere. 'Caught' has taken on a new meaning in this
AveryBoredman @Avenge_porn if you had spent any real time on chatpic youd know that the catching a risk used to be called "lost" which actually made sense. You took a risk and lost.... this also didnt cause the mix up of calling shit caught that isnt caught.
Avenge_porn I agree, it was and still is called lost, and 'caught' has added confusion to it all. Lost is even fewer letters which fits more easily into file names
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