QueeAndJiggy OPLike sex, bondage was not a freely discussed topic in the 50s and 60s. The word was missing from Diana's encyclopaedia. In Zamora, Jig also searched in vain. The 20-volume dictionary at the BROTHERHOOD IN THE LIGHT OF THE LORD ignored it. However, he found a picture of a public flogging. The prisoners tied together at the elbows excited him. For Christmas, Diana sent him a novel. A classic of bondage, she said. The way Wanda treated her lover Severin as a slave frightened him. He would not let himself be tied up and whipped! Or would he –? He really liked to be tied up...! And Quee had already spanked him once. Also his bare ass with the cane. He slept badly for nights on end. Waking up from nightmares ... leather shorts, leather trousers, erotic appeal, tied up, hogtie, Quee and Jiggy, Snakiestory, kurze Lederhose, Ledershorts, erotische Ausstrahlung, gefesselt,