theAprel OPA girl on vacation in tropical islands is on a scuba excursion when the urge strikes to piss. Rather than relieve herself in secret and hope no one notices, she announces to the group and makes a big show of it. She slides off her bikini bottoms and spreads her legs, right in front of a fellow scuba diver who's been recording the excursion on video, who quickly turns his camera's focus to her private parts. She's definitely an exhibitionist who enjoys having her vulva be the center of attention, proudly and brazenly exposing herself without any modesty. But when she begins to open her bladder, her demeanor changes as a huge neon-yellow cloud of her dehydrated urine fizzles out from her urethra for all the onlookers to see, and a shadow of regret and embarrassment creeps over her as she covers her face.