Good japanese girl (save before gone)

Good japanese girl (save before gone) #sYCI561G
Good japanese girl (save before gone) #7jl76AYX

#asian #abg


nothing0 who she?
[hidden] OP don't think it's her...
SomeNiceGuy It actually seems to be her without makeup. The mole below the right eye, then the mole on the left cheek. I'm calling it's her without any makeup and filters, girls these days (especially Asians) are like fucking chameleons with all that makeup shit
SomeNiceGuy Also, another thing is that the nose is exactly the same shape, size and proportions to the rest of the face. But shape is the most important
SomeNiceGuy Yup, definitely looks the part (both her and the vid lol)
SomeNiceGuy @Kang0fWakanda Thanks man lol. I remember finding ome of the girls you had posted some time ago
Roogh @SomeNiceGuy wait, so what's her name? I don't see any name being mentioned above
SomeNiceGuy They deleted the comment. Crazy thing is I can't seem to be able to find her again since most other posts were deleted as well
Roogh Aww.. now I'm sad. She's cute and her English aroused me. I was hoping there was more of her vids out there. Haiz..
asianvalues hii check my page
[deleted] Anyone knows who she is? I can find her.. She’s so pretty.
HowieFelttersnach What a peculiar and wholesome moment to exchange cultural knowledge. Thank you to the protagonists and the uploaders for this educational video!
ichnxx so the name is?
jasminchan @SomeNiceGuy @SomeNiceGuy so whats the name?
jasminchan drop the name guys πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
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