Billy spanked and handcuffed in the reformatory · tied up for meditation · trailer 26


QueeAndJiggy OP Billy was spanked in the reformatory · Years later, Billy alias Quee demonstrates to Jig how punishment was done · Granny’s old Singer sewing machine serves as spanking bench. "Why were you punished?” Manuel asks. “Well, I was top of the class. In a math test the boys beside me copied my perfect work. And beside them two others. As copied without variation, it came to light. The cowards claimed, it was me, who did copy. Four liars against me. I had no chance. Punishment for cribbing: handcuffed for an entire Sunday. Only reading: the Bible. At high noon, twelve horrible blows on the naked ass. Tightly tied to the whipping trestle, as we realise it right now ..." Extract of ~Meditative Bondage 10~ (07:58) tied up, handcuffed, handcuffs, punishment, leather thongs, leather pants, spanked, reformatory, Billy alias Quee, gefesselt, fesseln, Handschellen, Lederriemen, Arsch versohlen, ligoter, menottes, atar, atado
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