
ꍏ꒒ꍟꊼꀤꌗꎇꍏꌩꍟ #wUeUnlsK
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ꍏ꒒ꍟꊼꀤꌗꎇꍏꌩꍟ #AjHkrkKC
ꍏ꒒ꍟꊼꀤꌗꎇꍏꌩꍟ #FrI4lQV1


Eddie83 Do you have anything with the girl on your profile pic?
FufuHour OP I can't even remember her name lol
Eddie83 It's all good Playa. Thanks tho. Think it was yessica, jessica, Janessa some shit
FufuHour OP shit u might be right I'll do some digging
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